Teenager’s Art Classes

Young Teenagers 10 to 14 years
For further information please contact Carmel at 086 8207370
Teenagers 14 to 18 years
For further information please contact Carmel at 086 8207370
Group & Leaving Cert

Teenage art classes are offered, instructing the students in all aspects of painting, drawing (figurative and object) and craft. This module relates directly with Group and Leaving Certificate Art, the objective to achieve high honor’s in the Leaving Certificate.
The student will be instructed in all of the art exam areas and then the best of their artistic ability will be developed, to bring that area up to a high level of creativity and application.
Life Drawing

A lot of students find life drawing and portraiture a very daunting prospect, but the figure can be broken down into very tangible shapes and measurements, making figure drawing more accessible and achievable.
Students will learn from instruction and observation how to draw, covering all aspects of the human form. In addition students will learn how to incorporate the figure into paintings, creating compositions using the figure as the central subject matter.

How to draw the face in all of its glory, sad, happy, lost, angry, old, teenage, child are very important aspects of learning how to draw the face. The first thing that I teach is proportion and how to break the face down, this is then followed by perspective and the face drawn from different angles.
As an example drawing I have chosen the three different states that a character can have: neutral (a serene face), peaky (hurt, with a strained expression) and knocked out (hurt and with eyes closed). These three different expressions carry the most important information about the status of your characters.

All aspects of painting is covered here at Ennis Art School. The student is instructed in how to use different techniques and how to recognize how a painting is constructed and therefore created. How to break down the painting into simplified objects such as horizon, depth of field, vanishing points, directions on how to apply paint to create vertical and horizontal planes, how to angel the paint to create movement and how to put the figure into the painting.
Poster Design

All aspects of Poster Design are covered, from drawing to creating interesting effects with the paper, to layering techniques, using different materials. The most important aspects of all Poster Design is to deliver the an image which is significant to the subject matter composition. The student is instructed how to recognize and deliver a design using different materials and techniques.

This course is designed for students applying for a place in third level art college for which a portfolio is mandatory.
Students will be encouraged to develop their ideas through research and working on personal projects. Subjects covered include, drawing from observation, Animation, ideas development, collage, colour work, basic printing and developing a personal project. Home study will be an integral part of the course.
It is advisable that students, if interested in applying for an Art related third level course, start on their portfolio one year ahead of schedule. If this is not possible I offer one to one, where the student can take a year off to develop their portfolio.
This year 2019, two of my students applied for Limerick School of Art & Design, Carmel Keane and Caelum Frazer, they received 580 and 570 points out of 600 points respectively. Any of my students who are thinking of doing Art in third level have their portfolios completed by Christmas of the previous year they are applying as the portfolios are viewed in March.
Art Classes
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