
5th of February lesson on how to paint a woman with hands under chin.
This is just a collection of photographs on the development of a painting in the second art class on Saturday. Eyes, make sure that the pupils and iris are circular, make sure that you have space for the whites in the eyes and that you put in the tear duct on inside...

Christmas Term 2021
Children's Art Classes, Monday to Friday - 4pm till 6pm Congratulations to everyone who participated in Ennis Art School Christmas term, once more excellent work was created. The following are examples of some of the work created. This term was predominately a...

Halloween Term & Halloween Camp
Halloween Term & Halloween Camp Once again congratulations to everyone who completed the Halloween Term & Camp, great work once more created. I am posting a collection of the work created, please do not be offended if you are not included as you probably ran...

Summer Art Camps 2021 at Ennis Art School.
Once more congratulations to everyone who attended the Summer Art Camps at Ennis Art School. The following is a celection of images taken during the camps. The camps ar five days long and each day a new decipline is examined and practiced. Day 1. Drawing For day...

Summer Term Art lessons for Children and Teenagers – Ennis Art School
Summer Term Art lessons - Ennis Art School Drawing - Week One - Children's Mid-Week Classes Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 4pm till 6pm. Learn how to draw using one unit of measure, measuring from the eye. Learn how to freehand draw. Learn all about tone...

Easter Art Camp 2021
EASTER ART CAMP 2021 - Learn how to paint basic Landscapes, Seascapes, Portraits, draw animals and portraits and model animals, in one week Once more congratulations to all who participated in The Easter Art Camp 2021, you all had a marvelous creative camp. There...

Video of How to paint a surfer on a large wave.
Learn how to paint a surfer on a large wave, using the instruction free video, in four easy steps, background sea, large curl wave and the surfer. This is my first video of online painting lessons, please excuse the camera shake, forgot that I had to use a tripod....

Video on how to paint a forest scene using Oil, Acrylic or Poster Paints with this Free Online Video
How to Paint a Forest Scene using Oils, Acrylics or Poster Paints with this Free Online Video. Level of Difficulty 2 Paints Needed Oils: White & Black, Prussian & Cyan Blue, Cadmium Red & Cadmium Yellow, Chrome Green Light, Veridian Green, Burnt Sienna...

September to Christmas Terms 2020
Small Children Friday 4pm till 6pm - Congratulations to everyone who attended the classes, once more great work was achieved. This is only a selection of the work, hopefully everybody gets included. The small children's class is specifically designed to teaching art...

Summer Camp 2020
Congratulations to all the young artists that participated in Summer Camp 2020, once more incredible work was created.Day One - Drawing Learning to draw with shapes, tone, how to scale drawings, how to draw figures and animals, how to draw a portrait.[gallery...