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Christmas Term 2021

31 Dec, 2021

Children’s Art Classes, Monday to Friday – 4pm till 6pm

Congratulations to everyone who participated in Ennis Art School Christmas term, once more excellent work was created.  The following are examples of some of the work created.  This term was predominately a painting term, where the students learned how to draw and paint, dogs, cats, donkeys, Fox’s, Ducks, trees, seascape with a lighthouse, a teddy bear,  portraits and of course the famous man himself Father Christmas.  In the children’s art classes the emphasis is placed on how to look at all objects in terms of shape.  Parents say to me “Did my child really paint or draw what they bring home by themselves” .  Now every image can be broken down into shapes.

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The above Teddy is just a series of ovals, large oval for the head, smaller oval for the body and two semi circles for the feet.  It becomes very easy then for the children to paint anything.  All a child needs is to be able to draw a circle, oval, square, rectangle semicircle and parallel lines and practically any subject can be drawn or painted.  Everything else after that is tone, but it is very important to get the drawing first.

The students get a choice of at least 7 images from them to choose as to which image that would like to learn how to draw and paint.  I believe that it is important that the students choose themselves as in what they would like to learn how to paint, at least then they have an interest, although usually there is always some description of an animal included.  The students love drawing all forms of animals, portraits are not a big hit, but it is a very important area and the children need to learn how to draw a successful portrait, although this may take years for this to happen, but it does happen.

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The above portraits are created by young children, you can see how as they progress the portraits becoming better, but it is all practice.  Like any subject in order to become better you have to practice.  If you were a swimmer you would do lengths in the pool to perfect technique, the same applies to art, practice and time makes perfect.

Ashna Raman, displaying here prize winning entry for Texaco 2021

Ashna Raman, displaying her prize winning entry for Texaco 2021



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Teenage Art Work, Saturday 9am till 6pm.

The Advanced classes all take place on Saturday, first class beginning at 9am, last class finishing at 6pm.  In the advanced classes the execution of the work slows down, the students do not finish in one class but continue into following weeks, so some of the paintings can take up to 3 weeks to complete.  The urban scape where the students painted Lahinch, a seaside town in Co Clare, took three weeks to complete as the students had to draw out the buildings, roads, paths, rocks, walls and sea in perspective and than paint the buildings incorporating windows and doors.  The students also completed two winter landscapes where they had to learn how to paint deciduous and evergreen trees with snow, water polar bears and deers.  We also started on self portraits, as portraiture is the Gold Cup of art and the students will be submitting for The Texaco Children’s Art Competition in February.

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Advanced Teenage Class

In the advanced Teenage Class the students can take up to a whole term to finish one painting.  The students in this group are can paint, draw and model everything and anything.  There technique in painting and drawing is an extremely high level and I recommend them to businesses in town for commercial art work.

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Modelling Clay.

The students love to model clay and it is a great medium for the students to learn form, how the face is created and modelled and the over all shape modelling animals.

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