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Teaching module 4 – How to draw using shape, young children – Pointillism

19 Mar, 2020

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landscape pointilism - Ennis Art School

Pointillism is a very easy art form, basically all you do is get your brush and put it in the paint and dab the paint brush on the page.  Very effective, easy and fun great for young kids.  The following are examples, for quick fun work, all kids can do.  I will show you the finished work and then the break down.

For the above painting all you do is draw the road disappearing away from you, this is one point perspective, the landscape disappearing into one point.  Hill on either side and away you go.  Its important that the river gets smaller as it goes away though, this gives the perspective.

This is tomorrow mornings drawing, my internet seems to be taking a break.

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Step 1

draw a line at a slight angle about one third down your paper, or canvas.

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Step 2

On the left of the line draw a rectangle, this will be the beginning of the glasses

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Step 3

Now draw another rectangle in about 2cm away from the first, this will be the second lens of the glasses.

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Step 4

Now draw in two ovals, at either side of the rectangles and draw in two curves in the middle to connect the lenses, like a bridge.

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Step 5

At the top of the right oval draw a curve which will run down under the bridge and up to the top of the second oval.  At he bottom of the left oval draw a curve down to the end of the left lens, draw a curve at the end of the right oval down to the lens.

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Step 6

Draw a upward curve directly under the bridge, finish this curve in the middle under the ovals.

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Step 7

Now draw another curve under this curve and craw another curve under the lens at the left .

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Step 8

Connect the curve, which you just drew under the lens on the left to the second curve of the mouth and continue this curve over to join up under the right lens.

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Step 9

Now draw a vertical line down under the second curve and draw two curves up to the cheeks.

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Step 10

This is the end of the drawing, curve out the shoulders on either side and draw in another shorter curve to form the arms, then just draw in to more curves to form the body.  Draw in a vertical diamond in the ovals to form his pupils.  Now paint it in using pointillism and enjoy.  Watch your tones, darker colours to push the frog away and lighter colours to bring him closer, look at his nose, its whites and yellows, look under his chin its black and blue.

Work created by the students of this Chameleon project. Love the work Honour and Laurie.

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Bird on the tree

Another nice easy one, but very effective painting for you to do.  For the bigger children, watch your tones.  Look at the branch it black, brown, yellow and white.

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Step 1

Draw two circles, bigger one on the bottom smaller one on top and craw a curve to connect the two circles, this will be the back of his neck.

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Step 2

Draw a line out from the middle of the top circle out to about 1cm outside the circle, this will be the middle of his beak.

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Step 3

Draw a small circle just off centre in the small circle on the line you just drew for his beak.  Draw two inward curved lines to form his beak and draw another curve to connect his head with his body, under his beak.

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Step 4

Draw in his tail feathers, just a long oval really, sticking out of his bum.

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Step 5

Draw in the rest of his tail, this one will be under the first section of his tail, a bit of perspective.  Now draw in his legs and feet, look at the direction of his legs, they are at a slight slant and look at his feet, slanting as well.

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Step 6

Now put in the branch, basically a large Y shape on its side.  Thats the drawing side finished.

Now have some fun and fill it in looking at the colours for tone.

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Girl with the Umbrella

Nice perspective in this, see how the road disappears into a point and how the trees are getting smaller as they go away, see you tomorrow to break this one down.

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Step 1

Now for a change I am going to draw this one with markers, not a good move as its impossible to get rid of the circles in the figure and any mistakes.  But her goes

 Draw a straight line half way across the page, keeping it parallel with the top of the page

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Step 2

Now lets draw the road, do you notice how the road get narrower as it goes away from you, this is called perspective, it gives the illusion that the road is going away.

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Step 3

Now lets draw the trees Draw a series of three parallel lines on both sides of the road, as the trees go away they too get smaller.  A good way of doing this is draw a line from the end of the first tree and continue it down to the end of the road, now draw another line from the top of the first tree and continue this line down to the end of the road too, as the line goes away it gets smaller, perspective again.

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Step 4

Now draw in the limbs of the trees.

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Step 5

Now draw in the outline of the leaves, once more the trees are getting smaller as they go away.  Also draw two lines on the path to position where you want the figure to be.

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Step 6

Now draw a vertical line to connect these two lines together.

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Step 7

Now half this line and divide the line into 6 equal parts and add on the extra part to make the head, now you have 7 equal parts.

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Step 8

Draw in your ovals, representing, the head, shoulders, waist, hips and legs.

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Step 9

Draw in your triangles, the top triangle represents the shoulders down to the belly button, the second triangle the hips,

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Step 10

Draw in where your elbows will be and knees and fill the back of the jacket in red, have you noticed that this takes the shape of a rectangle.

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Step 11

Draw in the shoulders and continue down to the elbows, thats all you see of the arms as they are holding the umbrella.

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Step 12

Now draw in his leg, this takes the shape of a rectangle as well

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Step 13

Now draw in the other leg, but put it slightly forward as the figure is walking away from you.  Give the jacket a hoodie and a bit of tone.

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Step 14

Now draw in the umbrella, which is an oval over the head.

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Step 15

now we are going to colour in the umbrella, first we are going to put in a triangle in the middle of the umbrella but going towards the top of the oval, this will give the umbrella perspective.

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Step 16

Now we are going to draw in the lines for the colour sections, have you noticed the sections are narrower at the top, this creates perspective too.  Fill in the sections with colour.

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Step 17

Thats the drawing section finished all you have to do now is fill it with colour using pointillism, if you are doing it with markers it will be harder and slower, you can see a bit that I did on the side of the path, make sure you use a lot of different tonal colours.   Enjoy

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Step 18

With paint much faster.

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A dog with pipe

Found this piece the other day while buying house hold paints, thought you might like it.  See how I have broken the drawing down into one unit of measure, taking this unit from they eye, this is how we are going to draw it today.

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Step 1

One draw a horizontal line about 3 inches down from the top of the page

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Step 2

Now draw another line parallel to this line about 2 inches down the page

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Step 3

Now draw a circle about 3 inches in from the side of the page on the bottom line.

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Step 4

This circle is my unit of measure, you all know that a circle is as tall as its wide, the eye is a circle so its a good unit of measure to use.

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Step 5

Now measure across using this unit of measure which you have made with a scrap of paper, one unit across is the side of his face, do you see the blue line, I just drew.

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Step 6

Now using this unit measure across the other side of his eye to the edge of the page.

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Step 7

With the same unit measure down from the end of his eye to the end of the page and up to the top of the page.  Now you have created a grid, we will use this grid to position the dog accurately into the page.

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Step 8

Draw a horizontal line one and a half units up from the eye and connect this line to the unit one over from his eye on the outside in a curve.

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Step 9

Continue this line down two units and draw in the nose, which takes the shape of an oval.

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Step 10

Draw a horizontal line across from the top of the nose running horizontal to the eye, now measure down one and a half units and draw another horizontal line, this is the end of the dogs chin.  Now draw a curve connecting the end of the chin to the nose.

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Step 11

Measure a half a unit out from the inside of the dogs eye and draw a vertical line, now measure two units across from this and draw another vertical line, see you have 2  half  units and one full unit making two units.

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Step 12

Measure a half unit up in the middle of these two vertical line and draw a horizontal line and one unit down and draw another horizontal line, now connect them all together and you have a large oval, this is his head phone.

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Step 13

Now draw a curve from the unit behind the headphone and connect this line with the horizontal line at the top of his head.

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Step 14

Now measure 5 and a half units down from the bottom of the headphone and draw a horizontal line, connect the back of his head with a sweeping curve down to this horizontal line.  At the front of the headphone draw a sweeping curve line down to meet up at the other side.  This is his ear finished.  Now draw in the other ear, in red one and a half units down from under his chin.

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Step 15

Lets draw in his pipe, draw an oval, the blue oval is the top of his pipe, at the end of his ear.

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Step 16

Now draw in a basket shape under the oval, connecting both sides of the oval.

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Step 17

Now draw in the stem of the pipe, coming out of the back of the basket shape, notice how the angled lines become narrower as they enter the dogs mouth.  This is perspective, it gets narrower as it goes away.

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Step 18

Now draw another oval inside the middle of the red oval and draw in the top of the band that connects the head phones together, make the band as it goes over the dogs head narrower to create perspective.

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Step 19

Now fill in the eye, fill the pupil in black, notice its a circle, put a bit of white in the middle and fill in the Irish, the coloured section of the eye, make sure you have at least 4 different tones for the eye.

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Step 20

Now fill in around the eye in orange and sweep down to the nose. Again watch your tones.

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Step 21

I put black around the eye and around the outside of the dogs face, remember the dark tones will push the drawing away and I want his face to fade back into the drawing.

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Step 22

Tone the orange and black together with your finger.

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Step 23

Now fill in the middle section with white, remembering that the lighter tones will bring your drawing closer.

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Step 24

Tone all of these colours together with your finger.

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Step 25

Now for the head phones fill the central oval in a light shade of blue

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Step 26

Now run around the outside of this central oval in black and draw a curve of black to the right of this oval in the middle.

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Step 27

Now add white to the centre of this oval, remembering that the light tones will bring the drawing closer and we want the head phones to curve out.

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Step 28

Now tone them all together with your finger.

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Step 29

Now fill the outside oval with light blue.

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Step 30

Now run around the outside of this oval with black and add a small piece of white on the outside rim closer to the eye and run around this with black.  This will give me the side  of the headphone.

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Step 31

We are now going to do the top of the head phones, see how I have put black where the handle enters the head phone, this gives me shadow and pushes the handle back.  Put black on the outside rim of the handle and put some white up the middle of the handle.  This will give the the illusion of a curve, as the light section will bring the handle closer while the black will push it away.

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Step 32

Now will in the ear with orange and fill the back of the head with black.

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Step 33

Add in your coloured rectangles and tone outside in the orange with your finger.

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Step 34

I am adding some red into the ear for tone, on the outside rim of the ear.

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Step 35

Now draw a blue line down the back of the dog to the end of the page.

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Step 36

Tone the colours together.

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Step 37

Fill in his other ear in orange, red and rim with black.

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Step 38

Fill the centre of the oval of the top of the  pipe in black

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Step 39

Put black on the back of the pipe to push it back and rim the outside of the pipe in white, to bring this forward.

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Step 40

Now fill the centre of the pipe in light blue and fill the stem of the pipe in light blue and rim the sides of the pipe in black.

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Step 41

Now for the finishing touches, the nose, I ran around the outside of the oval in white and put more white on the top of the nose to bring it closer I also put a bit of blue on the top of the nose.  I then drew in the mouth in black and put red around the sides of the black to bring out the sides of the dogs mouth.

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Step 42

Finally put the stem of the pipe into the dogs mouth.  Drawing finished.   Put in whatever background you like,   Run around the outside of his jacket in black and give him a collar to his jacket in black as well, tone together.    All done, Congratulations.